The Artistic Style Wx static build uses the project files from the wxWidgets Visual Studio compile. A Static configuration is added to the current configurations. It is a customized compile that uses the static runtime library, no exception handling, and no runtime type information (RTTI). It uses props files to define the wxWidgets variables and static compile variables. There is also a modified wxscintilla compile to exclude all language lexers except for the CPP lexer. This lexer contains the syntax highlighting for all languages used by AStyleWx.
Most of the changes are made by a Python script. There is a script for wxWidgets 3.0 and another for wxWidgets 3.1. They may or may not work with the most current wxWidgets version. Be sure the wxWidgets files can be restored and the Python script rerun before starting.
Make a copy of the wxWidgets build\msw folder before making the following changes.
You must use Visual Studio 2010 or higher. The Python scripts are not set up for any other
A Visual Studio Static configuration is created by copying the Release configuration.
Modify the files using a Python script form the "file-py" folder in the AStyleWx directory. There is a script for wxWidgets 3.0 ( and a script for wxWidgets 3.1 (
Change the script variable "wx_paths" to the path of wxWidgets on your system. The wxWidgets 3.0 Python script needs the Visual Studio version (e.g. vs2013) as part of the wxWidgets folder name. If the name doesn't have this, the script will need to be modified. The wxWidgets 3.1 version doesn't need this.
Run the Python script that is appropriate for your wxWidgets release. The script will do the following.
Check the project files to verify the changes. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on a project and select Properties. Be sure the properties option Configuration is set to Static. The Static configuration options should have the following values.
In the Solution Explorer expand the wxscintilla project and the project Source folder to show the wxscintilla source files. Source files that are not included in the compile will have a red minus sign to the left of the file name.
For the static configuration in the wxscintilla project:
For all configurations except static in the wxscintilla project:
If the above conditions are correct the static configurations can be compiled. The Install Information contains the compile instructions.
If the above conditions are not correct, the Python scripts must be changed. You are probably using a new version of wxWidgets which is not supported by the script.